Updated: Apr 12

When it comes to health and weight loss, you may be focusing on one specific aspect to help promote and aid that weight loss. Whether it be calorie counting or macro counting, everyone’s body is different and may react differently to different aids of weight loss. 

However, have you thought about nutrient density? Nutrient-dense food offers plenty of nutrients with little calorie intake, ultimately contributing to satiety andweight loss. You’ll want to look for foods that are rich in vitamins, minerals, complex carbohydrates (because carbs AREN’T bad), lean protein, and healthy fats. This all plays a vital role not just in outer health, but internal health, too.

The difference between nutrient-dense food and non-nutrient-dense food

Here’s an example: let’s compare one slice of white bread and one slice of whole-grain bread. The one slice of white bread has only 70 calories and very little nutrients, but the whole-grain bread contains the same number of calories but four times the amount of nutrients like potassium and magnesium, and three times the zinc.

Which would you choose to benefit your health the most? I know what I’d pick!

Thankfully, they can be found right in your local supermarket! You’ll want to choose leafy greens such as spinach, kale, broccoli, quinoa, and so on. Of course, you won’t want to leave out the benefits of fruits such as blueberries, strawberries, and pomegranates. If you’re a fish lover, you’ll want to choose fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon. Lastly, if you’re a meat eater – you’ll want to pick lean meats. Also, I REALLY recommend grass fed beef because what your meat ate while it was alive MATTERS.
Most cows start on a pasture, drinking milk and eating grass. However, conventionally raised cows are later moved to feedlots and fed mainly grain-based feeds.

Grass fed cows offer meat that is up to 5x higher in omega-3. Grass fed beef also contains about twice as much CLA as grain fed beef. This fatty acid is associated with a few health benefits. It is also higher in vitamin A and E. I’ll take all the nutrients I can get. That kind of stuff excites me!

How can I add these foods into my diet?

It’s normal to feel a bit overwhelmed by a diet change, especially if you don’t eat this way to begin with. The bottom line is, you can gradually make these changes and see some very satisfying and beneficial results. 

It won’t happen overnight (and shouldn’t happen overnight either – for instance, adding too much fiber too fast can cause gas and bloating!) but you can rest assured that consuming more nutrient-dense foods will have some of the best effects on your health and become a fantastic weight aid.
As always, thank you SO much for being here.
Xo, B

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