Common symptoms that hold us back:

  • Pain
  • Stress
  • Tension
  • Headaches
  • Lack of mobility

In my practice, I use gentle traction from the joints and rhythmic stretches. Your body can go into deeper stretches and varieties of movement that would be difficult to accomplish on your own. Bonus: We’ll be releasing endorphins along the way!


At Spokane Stretch, we know the pressures of life men and women experience. It’s hard to make time for ourselves when caring for so many.  It’s common for stressors, as well as sitting for long hours, to lead to tight painful muscles.

Our goal is to decrease tension in your deepest tissues, unravel restrictions, and relax the hold your nervous system has on those tissues.  Our stretch therapist is experienced, trusted and can help you achieve your mobility goals along with relieving your stress and tension, in a safe, effective and personalized way.

Our premiere assisted stretch therapy is perfect for the chronically tight and stressed, athletes and weekend warriors .

Stretching is important not only for athletes, but for anyone with a high-stress job, anyone who sits five-plus hours a day, anyone who’s getting a little stiff and sore as they get older, or anyone who’s experiencing chronic pain or an injury.
Let me help you find ease in your body.

  • Small independent and locally owned
  • I have been certified by the world’s most comprehensive Stretch Therapy training program, considered the leading program in its field
  • Techniques are based off of the latest science in soft tissue, fascia, and the nervous system
  • Each session is conducted on a one-to-one basis and occurs inside a tranquil and secluded room. I start each session with deep breathing and aromatherapy to calm your nervous system. I hope to give you an experience, one of total tension release.

The quality of service and results you receive are unparalleled compared to other mobility and flexibility services in the market.

“Spokane Stretch is the thing I didn’t know my overworked body needed.” – Client